Wednesday 24 April 2024



We learn something every day. There is sometimes a first time and a new experience. And sometimes, repeated similar experiences because we DON’T. It is typical that these repeated experiences will keep coming. Until we learn what we are supposed to.

On a lighter note, this happens when we don’t address a WhatsApp message. The message will keep coming up on the screen until we read it.   it is a constant reminder that repeated patterns must be addressed.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Wednesday 10 April 2024


 As humans, we are as negative as many others around us. We struggle with feelings like injustice, reactions, feeling rejected, the unfairness of justifying a wrong deed. Sometimes, these feelings become intense and there is much anger.

Then gradually, as you realize you can only change yourself, grudgingly, acceptance of what you can’t control or change sets in and you begin to seek answers to the “why”.

Finally dawns the light you need so badly within you and have blocked for so long. And when expectations die, finally, some peace dawns.

What a struggle when we could have arrived at this solution so much earlier.

But, right time and right effort is imminent! So much backlog to clear. We have to be kind to ourselves.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday 8 April 2024



Tears are like irrigation for the heart. We are always told to control our feelings, not to get emotional or teary, that it is a sign of weakness!

Somewhere, if we believe this, we are suppressing ourselves and not accepting ourselves because we have been told time and time again that it is a weakness. And who wants to be perceived as “weak”?

If a demonstration of emotions is weakness, why have we been given them in the first place? All our chakras are related to emotions and elements. Suppression leads to blockages. But we still carry on in our ignorant mindsets, believing that to be emotional is to lose control. In case if excesses, yes! Otherwise, they are a part of what makes us human, unlike robots!

Ironically, an effort is being made to trigger emotions in robots now! It is very interesting to see that we think humans are limited, so, we create “superior” robots. And then, we try to make them “human” by making them like humans!

The world is a crazy place! We never accept God’s perfect creation. We think we know better!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog: