Sunday, 31 May 2015

Nothing Is Impossible

Audrey Hepburn, the beautiful star of Hollywood said, “Nothing is impossible. The word “impossible” itself says,” I’m possible”.
Just reading these words is so uplifting, so energizing. If we can actually internalize these words, we can achieve great heights. Believe me, I have been within the realm of the “impossible” many a time. It has been a lonely and disheartening place. But, when we see fragments around us, we forget that some of them are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in our lives which needs to be completed. And then there are some fragments which we have to let go of, because they are only there for a while to facilitate our awareness and a deeper understanding of what we require to move ahead.
“Moving ahead” is the catch phrase which should determine our action. This will necessitate pulling out the “possible” from the box of the “impossible”. Motivated and energized people can do this more easily than those who believe in the “impossible”. By doing this, we are actually challenging ourselves and harnessing more energy from the Universe to fulfill our goals, our dreams.
Any lack of self esteem, self confidence or self worth can result in a feeling of inadequacy, leading to a sense of helplessness, diffidence and inability to move ahead. So, the list of items under the “impossible” heading keeps increasing as does the sense of depression and complexes. No one should allow themselves to sink into such a state at all because to emerge from this often becomes a Herculean effort. Instead, a daily cleansing can work wonders in dissipating this kind of negative buildup.
Why is that that we take so much time and effort to create an external personality which is appealing and popular? Are we depleting our inner world by doing this? Are we resorting to a pretentious identity which negates our intrinsic core? Is this what is depleting our core energy, the energy we were born with to lead our lives with the awareness of being connected to our spiritual source? Is it because we have a gnawing need to be assessed and appreciated by others and only then, feel good about ourselves? Is that why societies are filled with intolerance, hatred and crime perpetuated by the dark forces unleashed by people who feel unaccepted, discarded, wronged, victimized?
I think we all need to find answers to this current reality of our lives that seems impossible to alter or reverse. But, I started by suggesting that the impossible can be made possible. I maintain that anything is possible in this Universe. We need awareness, introspection, devise a plan of action and make a determined effort to achieve the set goals. The moot point to remember during the best and worst of times is that it is all up to ME. If I think I can, I WILL. If I think I can’t, I WON’T.
Surekha Kothari

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