Sunday 27 February 2022

Satiation levels


Right now, this world is rampant with humans who have lost their way. They neither hear their inner voices nor see any signs from the Divine. The foundation of life itself is like a house of cards. It has no substance.

The way God has willed it, whichever path we traverse does have the potential to change course at any time that we understand that the path is taking us somewhere else, away from where we NEED to reach, not where we WANT to reach.

Wants always tamper with our satiation levels. Needs can be satisfied. Once this difference is understood, there is hope.

Today, with the pandemic situation, when so many souls are leaving this contaminated world, we are still not understanding that we have created this reality with our greed and unholy ways. The humanity of humans is under a cloud.

It was said that eyes are the windows of our soul. But these days, we don’t odserve the eyes and if and when we do, the actual soul has been camouflaged so brilliantly with a veneer of “success” and “happiness” that the world is fooled by the superimposition of fake over real.

What’s the point ? Ultimately, nothing gained and everything lost ! But do we care ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday 25 February 2022


 We discover something new everyday. I realised that a feeling of contentment depends greatly on acceptability. The reason we often burn on the inside is the conflict that arises from not accepting things as they are.

And the most arduous and conflicting of all is to embark on a project of changing people or situations.

How many of these have you all been able to change ? I am certain of the answer. So, what next ? Accept what is. And if you look for pluses in what is, wonders of wonders , you will actually find them.

Life always compensates a lack of something with something else. Only the human mind gets stuck and refuses to accept a different scenario. The mind is really like the rusty pin of an erstwhile record player which used to get stuck on the deepening grooves of old records with every play.

Well… the only way is to heave ho and catapult yourself onto a new space with energy . Regretfully, that energy is also stagnant within the mind space. So, once you accept only , can you move into a better space.

So much knowledge but half baked ! Until you actually apply it with understanding. And THEN you learn to smile, shrug and move on without any internal damage…….And there comes your contentment !

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday 23 February 2022


 Today, we are so involved in what we think is our real life that we don’t have time for “frills”. The same frills , if they are loving people and tools for personal evolution, will become very important later in life. When we are young, we don’t have the bandwidth to understand this.

When realisation does dawn, many of the loving people around us who we regret not valuing , have passed on . And the ones we thought were ours, have moved on. What is left is regret !

At any stage in life, the vision must always have a broader perspective to carry the “valuables” in our lives with us, despite being busy in our own little world. And I don’t mean material riches. Because life is a vast experience , provided we have a thirst for understanding its  validity and impact on our journey. There is always a purpose . Nothing is meaningless.

But we fail to understand it. The opportunity to heal our darker spaces are manifold but we are blindfolded. Only fear makes us limited. Otherwise, we are luminous, unlimited beings.  But who is to explain this to anyone until the right realisation triggers change ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Quote of the day


Monday 21 February 2022



A man came to a Zen master and asked, “I would like to become a Buddha.” And the master hit him hard.

The man was puzzled. He went out and asked some old disciple, “What kind of man is this? I asked such a simple question and he got so angry. He hit me hard! My cheek is still burning. Is it wrong to ask how to become a Buddha? This man seems to be very cruel and violent!” And the disciple laughed. He said, “You don’t understand his compassion. It is out of his compassion that he has hit you hard. And he is old, ninety years old; just think of his hand – it will be burning more than your cheek! You are young. Think of his compassion, you fool! Go back!” But the man asked, “But what is the message in it?” And the disciple said. “The message is simple. If a Buddha comes and asks how to become a Buddha, what else is there to do? You can hit him and make him aware that you are it. What nonsense you are talking about!” If a rosebush starts trying to become a rosebush, it will go mad. It is already the rosebush. You may have forgotten. Zen says you are in a state of slumber, you have forgotten who you are, that’s all. Nothing has to be done, just a remembrance. That’s what Nanak calls surati, Kabir calls surati – just a remembrance. You have only to remember who you are!

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday 18 February 2022


 Apathy and neglect are two of the most damaging traits in any relationship. They are a part of taking a relationship for granted. And they don’t do justice to being born as a human being.

Like they say, small acts make a huge difference. Ofcourse, there is an individual Perspective in everything but perspectives don’t make reality. Our actions do produce undesirable results but inaction or indifference  may often damage more.

Why ? Because this creation is based on love in various forms. To nurture others is to nurture yourself. I am amazed that such a simple fact of life is so difficult to understand and put into practice. It should come naturally if we know what is our true nature. Sadly, we don’t !

Just thinking about apathy and neglect might take us back to when we probably felt neglected , rightly or wrongly. A personal perspective again ! And, Even if that were true, we would do well to put the past where it belongs.. in the past which is a bubble that burst long ago and has no value in the present moment! It is over only when you put an end to it. Not a second before that. And when you do, it is liberation !

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday 16 February 2022

State of mind


As time goes by, You will loosen your grip on that rock, The one you always thought was home, And you will realise that home is not a place, It’s a state of mind. Let it go

As time goes by, You will learn to see yourself more clearly, The person who was always too much of one thing, And too little of another, was actually everything that person needed to be. Let that person out

As time goes by, You will let the simple things become big, And you will allow the big things to become simple, And that readjustment will be, The day you really start to live. Let it be

As time goes by, You will be forced to say goodbye many times, And your soft little heart will shatter but, It will still beat and that will bring you, All the purpose you need. Let it beat

As time goes by, You will stop choosing wealth over peace, You will stop choosing money over time, And you will see that the treasures you need, Are in the smiles and the laughter. Let them in

As time goes by, The moments you remember when your life flashes past, Are never the awful memories my friend, it’s the joy, The summer nights, the lazy days with loved ones, The midnight chats and the morning hugs, Let them all happen.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday 14 February 2022


 Why do people judge others when they know nothing about their story ? Do they feel superior ? Because if they do, they must think again ! They themselves have plenty to hide and are as imperfect as anyone else.

The main crux of the issue is here. The inner eye is blinded. So, we can see only others and their behaviour. This is the most dangerous part of ignorance: to think you know everything when you know nothing ! In fact, you don’t even want to know anything because the prejudice is so intense.

We all look for peace by shunning people and getting within a safe cacoon. But this is just not possible. Because sooner or later, the butterfly will emerge and will have to face strong winds and extreme weather conditions. But alas ! Where is wisdom in the wake of ignorance ?

The biggest burden that Mother Earth carries today is the human being.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday 11 February 2022


 Humans survive on their core beliefs.  If those are negative about someone, they generate hate. If they are positive, they generate  caring, affection . BUT , only until such time as their core belief changes.

Therefore dependability is a quality that goes along with commitment , not with core beliefs only because they are changeable in nature. They are also debilitating to the self if they are not the right ones.

We really need to be very careful with such beliefs . They tend to hurt, result in bad karma and mar relationships.

Actually, we don’t accept people and relationships as they are. The element of tolerance and forgiveness is missing. And I think this is because every soul on this earth is damaged. So they talk of others being damaged but cannot face the fact that they themselves are damaged and don’t have enough love to give. Everything then becomes a show for the outside world. And relationships are chosen according to what they can accept, not who they can love despite their imperfections.

Love is the only core intrinsic to humans but it’s purity and it’s selflessness is always a question .

It is enough to go ahead and heal yourself in every way and remain within your space, your energy, without expectations . Silence is golden as they say. Silence of the mind and heart AND the brain when it is not required for daily activity.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Wednesday 9 February 2022


 There is always something and often many things we need to work on within ourselves. I agree that everyone is not motivated equally and at the same time,  to work on themselves. Only humans can have weaknesses and limitations. The larger picture of the agenda of karma we carry into this life determines our nature, our reactions and pretty much our psyche.

But we flounder when it comes to learning our lessons. The universe provides ample opportunities for this though.

Sometimes, I wonder what  all the hate and conflict does to the insides of people who practice these actively. I think it only burns and harms the practitioner and no one else. Yes, people react negatively to hate because the biggest criminal wants to be loved at the end of the day. And even words of cruelty and hate have the power to kill.

It is so mind boggling to see people make such negative choices for themselves. But karma has a large role to play. We don’t know it. Therefore, even if we don’t know its extent, the parameters of living must generally be based on goodness, gratitude and forgiveness.

We tend to cut the branch that we are sitting on, with ingratitude to our Creator and harshness to the world. Nothing good really comes out of this.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Monday 7 February 2022



Love is not defined by demonstration.  And it does not diminish even if the people we love grow to become critical of us. It is indeed a quality which does not rely on the approval of or being accepted by someone. There will always be double standards in love: one , what they feel for someone and the other, the non understanding of what others feel for them.

We are too limited as individuals to put ourselves in the place of another . We need overt endorsements all the time. Also, I guess we are too preoccupied with our own story and what WE want. This is precisely why wise people have said that love is its own reward and expectations in love will definitely cause disappointment. Because love can become holy only if a relationship works on mutual grounds. Love is giving from both sides. And always, not sporadically. Otherwise, we love because we love, and leave it at that.

The most relevant examples are mother daughter, husband wife, two friends… the mother loves her child to distraction but the child moves away when it grows up. A couple may have differences and love may become scarce. The same goes for friends. Actually, WE are limited by our tendencies to judge, reject, hate, even be cruel , misunderstand, ridicule the weaknesses in another which we might be suffering from, too… because we don’t want to or can’t heal ourselves. We want to continue this way.

But these are the attitudes that later deepen and become manifested ailments . We know of many such cases, but we have this funny conviction that this will not happen to us. Many clients that I see have such deep issues but I find people block their minds when you try and speak to them about this. They want to continue this self damaging battle . Love in this world is weaker than hate and fear.

This is a part and parcel of kalyug. And accepting this is the only solution to bring peace in our lives , because, we are leaving this world alone, not in groups , so that their endorsement should be that important for us to damage ourselves and our journey.

Blessing everyone is the way to go because an aware human being knows that everyone is suffering. Otherwise , they would have more love in their hearts.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day


Friday 4 February 2022

Quality of a soul

 God created humans as a motley crowd , each different and unique, with the same physical and mental software around the soul.

But that’s where it ends and creativity begins, a result of the ominous and multi pronged will power and free will.

Often, I marvel at the way minds are wired, including mine. Unless you are a mind reader or become one, the depth and complexities of each mind are sometimes deeper than the ocean and impossible to fathom. So, you revert back to yourself.

Let me atleast try to understand myself with my vast body of past lives and all the triggers that make me think and behave in a certain way.

No! What you see is certainly not who we are. We fight for equality that does not exist. So naive of us ! All mankind is not and can never be on the same level. Even equality of opportunity will always have loopholes for the very same reasons.

So, where does that leave us then ? We are left with ourselves, to look within ourselves and find that uniqueness that renders us flawless as spirits or souls if you will, beyond our physical persona.

The quality of a soul is essentially pure in every human being. The skill is in keeping our own mind body temple as clean as our souls are.







Why then are we so preoccupied with watching others and trying to fathom their journeys and what makes them tick, when we are still so unaware of what makes US tick ? Is that in any concrete way helpful to us ? The answer is “no”.

So many of us who are trying to evolve as humans must remember this. We often hit the bottom of the river of life but if we know the art of floating, we can come up, breathe and float again, each time with more skill and more awareness so as not to drown. No one can do this for us, can they ?

So, to keep peddling the boat to guide it to its destination via the best route , becomes a personal responsibility . This is where the genius in human creativity comes into the forefront and carries us through.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Thursday 3 February 2022

Quote of the day


Quote of the day



 If you speak your truth sincerely, you will always be at peace, no matter how others feel about it. We are always so other oriented that we would rather not speak our truth out of fear that people may not understand it.

I feel you ultimately gravitate towards people who give you the respect due to you for speaking the truth and vice versa.

Can there be another way ? Being a people pleaser does nothing except harm us at the end of the day. We alter our personalities to suit others , some of who may not even be in our lives permanently.

The reason why we don’t stand united is not because we are different but because our truths are different and not acceptable to others.

It is a little unreasonable to expect people to understand where you are coming from , when you don’t do the same. When we decide to love someone, we often turn a blind eye but when we don’t like someone, we don’t miss a chance of criticising their truth.

I feel this is because we are not confident or courageous enough of paying the price for speaking our truth. Because, there is always a price for everything. And so, we would rather others pay it. But life does not work that way.

Acceptance burns the uneasy space between people and allows for a clear level playing field. So, accept and love . They do go together. Life becomes simple when you are simple and know what to let go of and what to retain, what to internalise and what to leave out there. It is an ongoing process.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

Quote of the day