The problem with us humans is that we have
become so pretentious and insincere that we fail to recognize sincerity or
genuineness when we see it.
Some memories of old relationships exist in
all our hearts, I am sure. And if they are valuable, we tend to go back in time
to connect with the same people. Only to find that, in some cases, there is
either a lot of rancor or they have moved on.
Those that have really moved on will be
civil or even friendly. But those that have kept grouses for years will be
sometimes offensive and sometimes, avoid you.
In the larger perspective, any soul that
has a meaning or has had a meaning in your life is definitely a part of your
soul group that promised to be a part of your life. What fails is our inability
to see that people might be distanced but the love remains, often in the form
of anger or hate because what they wanted did not happen.
That is the truth of life. Destiny plays a
large role and people get separated because of many reasons, mainly past lives
and past karma. But in our anger, we don't see the larger canvas. If we did, we
would reinstate people in our lives more consciously and willingly.
Surekha Kothari
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