Saturday 23 July 2022

Meaningful Existence

If I could select a theme for an epidemic, it would be love and light. I have discovered that our inner light dims because we allow it to. Because we depend on the external world for happiness but invariably get disappointed. And why not? That dependency is the wrong path. There is no permanency if anything out there. We feel incomplete around people. Because we compare, react, become needy and cloud our intrinsic selves with a whole lot of unwanted , undesirable layers of futile thoughts and reactions. It is when our light is shining bright that we can envelope everything else within it, like the sun that illuminates everything it touches with its rays. We can also be like the sun. Each one of us. If we stop focusing on our body and mind and identifying with it under the spell of a mass of illusion which takes us away from our true selves. The sooner we start dwelling on such thoughts, questioning our existence and reflecting upon it all to get some sound knowledge, the better we will feel. And the quicker our worlds will change into a meaningful existence. Surekha Kothari Speakingtree Blog:

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