Sunday 21 January 2024

Human Values


We lack focus. Our minds are travelling all over the place even when are doing important activities.

There was a time when cell phones were not allowed while driving. If we lose focus, we can cause accidents and also cause ourselves or other people to lose their lives.

Now, people have started advertising on roads on big screens where moving ads can cause a similar damage in moving traffic where moving visuals can totally distract a driver.

Where are the people in governments who need to FOCUS on keeping citizens safe?

Look at the Manipur tragedy! It started with a FAKE news video from Delhi (last year) that went viral in Manipur!!! Really????

This is the result of too much ignorance and a distorted idea of using time by miscreants! And just stupid “fun” which borders on the dangerous! Or is it the drama around elections which perpetrates crime?

And there just aren’t enough punitive measures going around. People in positions of authority need to have a healing attitude, not a raging one. How else do we change anything?

We are just so intent on blaming others when WE are the ones out of control!

Today, even justice has no voice and crime is happening in a “free for all” environment. In every state, safety must be ensured. It is the duty of the government and the police department.

But it is a distant dream as long as people in all positions of authority are devoid of human values.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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