Monday 10 June 2024


In pursuit of unhappiness! A simple fact is that the more you pursue the need to find answers to your panic/anxiety etc., the less you can actually accomplish feeling better.

Giving energy to personal pain and suffering and concentrating on wounds just debilitates you. Because you go deeper and deeper into that negative energy.

When you actually learn how to deal with unhappiness only will you learn to be happy. Not by pushing anything away but by accepting everything and dealing with it, difficult as it may seem.

Hard times become toxic and spread to our physical bodies. How do you work when you are in the eye of the storm? Work with body sensations and meditate on this. Don’t focus on the story. Create an alchemy within yourself to transform the minus into a plus. Be ok with the suffering. Become strong and that strength gives you the way forward.

Reframe suffering as an opportunity. Change your perceptions. Only you can help yourself.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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