India is suddenly waking up to this word. Accountability in
politics has become one of the most burning issues today. But accountability is
or shall I say, should be an all pervasive word and in every walk of
life. Not only is it at the core of free will, it is also relevant at the macro
and micro levels of all existence. It defines freedom as meaningful only in the
context of accountability. It is the benchmark of harmony in the hierarchy of
relationships. It denotes a system of checks and balances in families and
societies, and therefore, logically starting at the micro levels, the
individuals. Accountability is a discipline which can sustain peace and
prosperity of every unit in a country and ensure a continued and constructive
growth of the nation.
Thus, we have a child accountable to parents, family members
accountable to each other, individuals to society, societies to their regions,
all the regions to each other, the judiciary to its conscience and the people
and the government to its people. This doesn’t mean that the creativity of
people will be curbed. This merely means that within the framework of what is
good and applicable to all, individual growth can and will be ensured.
What is important to note is that accountability incorporates
many attitudes automatically.
The first one is acceptance of all, however different they
may appear to be, knowing that the soul within has the same source.
The second one is respect for all, conceding that everything
and everyone in Creation has a place and is not superfluous.
The third is the knowledge that everything grows only when
given space. We are therefore, accountable for the space we are required to
give ourselves and others.
The fourth is the accountability of our thoughts, words and
actions. All these three should be tempered with love and acceptance, and with
The fifth and as important is the aspect of responsibility
which goes hand in hand with commitment: responsibility towards commitment
towards the well being of oneself while ensuring that of others.
Today, India is clamoring for the return of this quality of
accountability because this has been previously experienced in this great
country more than in any other, despite the constant attempts to bring in a
state of anarchy inspired by the greed of self seeking groups who have
forgotten the days of nationalistic spirit and sacrifices by proud Indian
citizens. Their solidarity against so many odds was actually instrumental in
giving “Bharat” its freedom. In accountability and responsibility lies freedom for
one and all.
Surekha Kothari
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