Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Transformation of energy

It is a fact that mental and physical blocked energy manifests in the body. Similarly, any intense emotions like hatred or jealousy also manifest in retaliatory or aggressive reactions. It is almost impossible to camouflage these. They show up. And sometimes in the vehemence that comes your way. Or in a look or body language even.
But as is again a known fact, these reactions harm only the ones who harbor them, Such a self destructive exercise; But very difficult to explain this until they have their own experience.
It takes a lot to peel off the layers of our own emotional skin and reduce its thickness bit by bit. There is much microscopic study required on ourselves, because thoughts and reactions come with lightening speed. So much so that there really should not be time to study others before ourselves; A humungous task for those that have sensitized themselves enough so as to feel the transformation of energy. But there is no time like the present moment to start.
Surekha Kothari


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