Monday, 16 December 2019

Spiritual energy

The faith in Shirdi Sai Baba escalates by the day. Youngsters are being drawn into Sai baba temples and bhajan groups. He is a Mahatma in Kalyug who is a spiritual energy like other elevated souls. Then how come he has become so popular? People claim to have even seen him.
What comes to mind is that there are no heavy rituals around him. No dress codes in his temples, no discrimination of gender, caste, creed and religion. No old baggage of politicization of spirituality.
He is a healer and a saint, a recent one. The new generation understands him in the context of equality of human and devotional rights.
When monopolistic sects try to retain their hold over and attempt to force old, discriminatory belief systems, they don’t realize that it is a matter of time before they will be forced to step aside to allow for a new human order . The agitation for equality in every way can’t be stopped nor its tide stemmed.
Sai baba has been projected as a saint who helps people without any vested interest and in today’s commercial world, this comes as a breath of fresh air. Youngsters want to believe in the path of love and goodness. And they don’t understand the older religions which should have give peace but are steeped in conflict and human destruction.
Sai Baba comes as an anchor and a faith that humans desperately want to peg their spirituality on.
Surekha Kothari

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