Sunday, 23 February 2020

Consequences of lifestyles

I know why people are known by the friends they keep. These days, when the influence of families is diluted, the friends constitute the “carefully chosen “family, a family where you can have all the freedom to take a path going straight to hell. (Metaphorically speaking, of course). As it is fashionably stated today, you can’t choose your natural family. You can only tolerate them and sometimes, not even that.
I see many “close” friends meeting many nights a week to celebrate their “friendship” with alcohol, weed, cocaine etc. “Carefully chosen family”, did I say? That’s right. I did say that.
But then, our generation grew up with family being friends, too. This two in one package was unbeatable. Having fun with family was going on picnics with parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles , doing train journeys with specially packed Tiffin boxes which was the most exciting meal ever , playing cards during the journey and generally having a whale of a time. Where we felt loved and protected. Where there was zero tolerance for any disrespect, disobedience or rudeness of any kind, and of any “friend” who taught you to stray from family norms into undesirable habits and addictions. Friends were supposed to be those who dragged you away from any dubious people and habits around you , in case you strayed. THAT was true friendship.
Different times, different perspectives! But, the consequences of lifestyles will be seen in similar patterns. That doesn’t change. It is not only what YOU feel but how others see you; too, that brings the consequences. Too much sun will burn your skin. Too much darkness and you won’t be able to bear the sun. Too much freedom and you might wish you had been balanced.
Life has to be lived with love, humility, and yes, sacrifice, too. This is true freedom for the soul because it comes into this world encased in a body. These are essential requirements.
Surekha Kothari

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