Sunday 19 June 2022



Today, I am This. My experiences from all lives , some of which are experienced in this life, are sacrosanct, good or bad , as both teach me lessons if I know how to learn the lessons inherent in them.

This minute, I can connect with my consciousness to understand where I am not thinking right. The past, the thoughts , the reminder of the unpleasant are all leeches which one has to pluck out and throw away, however painful the process might be for the body and the mind. Is there anyone who can like the leeches gripping you for ever ? No.

But we do have the others in leech form that are painful and agonising but we seem to revel in our pain. Very difficult to understand ! Still more difficult when they come from outside . Not that self inflicted pain is more reasonable ! Every pain is a choice and has a solution.

There is just not enough understanding and therefore, error in prioritising. It is like sitting down and waiting for the lion coming after you, to swallow you.

When “I” identifies with “me”, we are weakened by that ego which can be very destructive if we don’t watch out.

So , we need to use the power of NOW to get wise.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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