Tuesday, 19 December 2017


The karma theory does not always sit well on people who feel they have been targeted unnecessarily without any provocation. And wronged, Also made to pay a very heavy price, sometimes for most of their lives. Overtly and examined at face value, it is a believable "truth”, though a subjective one. The question is, why do certain things happen to certain people only? Why not to others? There are many unseen reactions and belief systems at work behind the scenes which are not "seen" and therefore, people may end up believing in a partial truth or even the illusion of truth which they can understand.
Once karma hits without warning, and what is perceived as a gross injustice by the injured party towards the perpetrator turns into a wound, karma is not a reason they will believe. They call it preaching because it has not been experienced by the person who speaks of karma. But, truly, I don't think I know anyone who has NOT seen the theory "what goes around comes around" work in their lives. Often, it takes many years to even start bearing the consequences of karma based on its quality. But it DOES come to fruition.
The crucial point for us humans is not to wish ill to those who have worked against us because the rewards or otherwise come from above very scientifically and clinically. There is no need for humans to take this onus upon themselves, because that would not be their business. The equation is between the doer and the Almighty.
Surekha Kothari


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