Sunday, 11 March 2018

Love and morality

This world is preoccupied with love and morality. Everyone craves for love but it is the most hidden and rationed emotion. Almost as if we fear to love. And where there is fear, there can't be love.
We often tend to camouflage love within the layers of morality. In every day and age, there are different ways of expressing love. We take the love of parents for granted. Yet, some children do feel distanced from them also, for many reasons, but mainly due to their perceptions which may or may not be close to reality. As is the case everywhere, we don't express love or are scared of feeling it because we don't know if we will be loved back or whether that lonely core we have within us can or will be filled by another human being. Very few feel love at the soul level which is the true nature of love.So many conditions are attached to this word "love". "If you love, you can't do this.” And, “if you love, you just must not or cannot do that". Etc.
Love could be a part of morality but morality cannot be beyond love. Love is like space, vast and eternal. Morality is an attachment to be used as a tool as and when required. If love results in guilt, it gets attached to morality, the concept of right and wrong. If you believe that anything is right from the bottom of your heart, it is beyond morality. The condition is , the intention should be pure and should stem from our higher soul consciousness.
Surekha Kothari

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