Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Spiritual search

It was predicted that a time will come when the sweetness of tongue will win many battles whereas the good, upright and honest will go unnoticed and / or misunderstood. And one, who shouts when the right thing is being pointed out, will also win because it will never suit them to admit that they are wrong.
But this also says a lot about people who make such people win. Who believe them and humiliate the ones that are actually in the right. What would you call them? Easily led away by superficiality? Not enough substance or courage to sift the right from wrong? I guess you have to be a true "kalyug" person and you had better be if you want to survive lies, treachery and core dishonesty.
The upsurge in spiritual search is a result of us having reached the pits. Of us valuing things and shunning people of the exhaustion of trying to prove oneself in a blind, deaf and dumb world. Futile! Completely futile!
If light has to survive in darkness, it has to shine brighter than ever. If goodness has to survive in a polluted world, it has to connect to the source, for looking on earth for a return is looking in the wrong direction and is like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Surekha Kothari


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