Thursday, 19 September 2019

Universal energy

Sometimes, we get disappointed with people who present a pleasant exterior most times. It is probably true of everyone at one time or another.
You are suddenly and often taken unawares by the outbursts of the actual fires burning inside someone.
One if the greatest frustrations within people are the eagerness to win in life ... all the time. Whether in gambling or in a word slinging match, people have a deep craving to win. This burning can eat away your insides if you are not careful.
We really need an inner fire extinguisher for the sake of our mental and emotional health or we can get into deep trouble.
Some rules to douse fires:
1. Never misunderstand when you can understand.
2. There will always be someone more successful and someone less successful than you. Learn to be content.
3. You can never go wrong if you follow some basic but important values that you were taught, growing up.
4. Earn respect for yourself in your own eyes first.
5. Love is a universal energy which we need to share much more than we do.
6. Clean up your own mess first.
7. Forgive yourself and then others.
8. Be simple
9. Let your own choices dictate your life
10. Live life as if you own it all but passes on as if nothing was ever yours.
Surekha Kothari

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