Thursday, 2 January 2020

Happiness Quotient

Your “swadharma”, your inner calling! One of the major preoccupations that can elude you for a long time, it is what comes to you naturally. Something you gave an aptitude for, something that gives you happiness. And you enjoy it.
But how do you know what is your calling in life? Especially today, when there are opportunities galore, unlike earlier when there were very few lines one could take. There is every chance of confusion or of making a wrong choice.
All achievers have had one thing in common, that they have enjoyed every minute and been passionate about what they did.
However, it can be a challenge for multi talented people. They may be good at academics, arts, culture and much more. People have been known to change their paths when they discover their true inner calling.
The best way is to observe what feelings your activities / your career path are generating. Be aware, discuss with your teachers and friends, if and when required, and go with your happiness quotient.
I have seen that those who do not have a calling don’t end up developing their personalities or confidence levels and become complex and with complexes also.
Let it suffice for me to know that I have my own calling like everyone else does and I need to find it. Have faith that it is there and try to
Find it, even with help and advice from others if you are confused. Once you find it and work on it, you will find yourself appreciating others instead of falling short in your eyes.
Surekha Kothari

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