The beauty of life’s moments holding your
new born child. The first time she calls you”ma”, the joy of that moment when it would be as
joyous as if it was the last word you heard. The warm hugs and the little arms
around your neck as you get “spitty “kisses which glisten in your eyes, not
your cheeks.
And when this child becomes an adult, she
does the same with her kids. The tradition of motherhood continues but she has
forgotten that warmth and fuzzy feeling of being held by her mom forgotten that
even if a child becomes sixty, she is still the same loveable and huggable kid
to her mom.
Ironically, her inner child leaves her
while her mom has hung on primarily to those wonderful memories of that little
child who, as an adult, has moved into another phase. That’s life. You live
with your memories. And live with the fact that life is full of phases. And you
must move on. Or life will make you do so.
Surekha Kothari
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