We play many roles in this world. Familial
ties are familiar ties because we are born and bred there. We generally build
up a close bond while growing up together.
And then, we tie a “knot” in marriage and
reset our lives according to a new person, a new family. And we expect that one
person, the spouse, will play all the roles rolled into one, in our lives.
Practically, that may not be true. Every human being in and around you fulfils
a certain expectation in your life, gives you something different, including
your spouse but not to the exclusion of everyone else, however happy your
marriage might be.
Souls come and go and each one helps you to
learn something. It may not be possible that all the traits you admire may be
seen in one human being. Not even in you for that matter, though, thanks to yourself
image, it may be easier for you to subscribe to that illusion.
That’s why most of us need to have cerebral,
emotional and mental connects with several people, each fulfilling a need or
needs as the case may be because expansion is our theme. We are vast, very
vast. And we unconsciously try to reach out in that direction through soaking
in all the aspects which contribute more and more to our expansion.
Surekha Kothari
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