Monday, 13 September 2021


 What is it that we old timers were taught about living gracefully ? About making sure we said our “thank you” and “ please” to everyone. First, at home, for even small acts by our parents and siblings and staff . And of course, to others thereafter. The habit was formed at home. That’s why we believed that charity began at home.

In short, we learnt that taking any one for granted was akin to bad manners and was not appreciated.

I have often wondered why gratitude is so hard to feel and if felt, then hard to express. Is it due to carelessness , or, a feeling of entitlement , or ????

I guess change is imminent, though, sadly, the traits we valued and which gave respect all around should not have been a part of that change.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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