Wednesday 9 November 2022



In our generation, respect was taught as the first priority. In families. For elders. For each other. I understand now that this is what kept families going. From generation to generation, there was an unspoken code of respect.

Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, they all fulfilled the roles of mentors for growing children. And there was a bond that could not be refuted.

Likewise, the younger siblings respected the elder siblings. And so on

any elder in the family could pull us up for any lapse in behavior and our parents did not mind. In fact, they were happy that we were all so close.

That was one era. And this is one era. of broken families, lack of respect where you can’t even point out a fault, let alone mentor the young ones. it could be an instant cause for losing relationships and therefore, no one ventures into that territory.

So, this has pervaded the society to such an extent that we are a withdrawn lot that keeps surface contact with our own kind.

Egos? Rampant.

Insecurities? Many

Sensitivity? Increased, maybe in the wrong things?

Truth? Compromised.

Simplicity? What? What does that even mean today?

The comparisons between those times and today are glaring in their differences.

So, older generations call their elders almost every day but today, elders are on call almost every day. Because they love deeply. Because they were taught that love is the most important ingredient in the recipe for life.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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