Sunday, 19 January 2025


The journey of self-improvement is arduous and fraught with trial after trial! To take every day, smiling through it all and letting go each minute of what you do not really find palatable and finally, sleeping well at night because you not only deflected the negative energy that came your way but did not respond, thereby nullifying it almost instantly. This I guess, is the starting point to evolving to a higher purpose through the higher self we possess but fail to access due to the reactionary mode we live in.

HOW can you NOT let your expectations get the better of you? HOW can you observe and accept whatever is happening? Because nothing really happens to US. We choose to think it is. In short, how do you NOT let it stick to you EVEN IF it was meant for you? These are questions which have suggestions / seeds of knowledge within them.

Buddha remained calm and unfazed when a man came up and started continuously abusing him verbally. His disciples were angry on his behalf and asked Buddha why he didn’t say something. Buddha said, the man was giving him a gift but he did not accept it. So, this way, the gift went back to him.

Can we start doing this? Buddha was an ordinary human being before he became “The enlightened one”. So why can’t all of us too?  There is only one condition: that we work towards it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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