All these years, having been in
denial and argued and vented, finally, truth has dawned! Everything happens for
a reason. Everything was meant to be. We thought we were taking the decisions
but, was it so? Really? Were our reactions valid then?
Actually, what is meant to stay,
stays. And what is meant to get over, just gets over. WE reach a saturation
point in a lot of the cases. And in some, the choice is not ours.
And yet, all our lives, we fight
and stress, and refuse to let go to move forward. We forget that karma is at
work constantly. Our debts call out. Also our credits are interspersed with
those debts we must pay. When we experience the joy of good karma, we forget
easily. What remains and sustains is the unpleasant memories.
As the wise have wisely said, cut
thoughts. Cut memories. They are the source of all the attachment and egos at
play in our lives. And when there are no thoughts, it is automatic surrender to
a higher power. This is the ultimate in our journey, isn’t it?
Surekha Kothari
Speakingtree Blog:
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