Monday, 9 October 2017


If you look back at your life events, you will always find some people that you have had issues with. Some you forgive and from some you seek forgiveness. And you also forgive yourself for hurting people and mistakes made.
However, I wish it were that simple! Actually, it IS that simple to my mind. But not so to other people. In everyone's life, there are some people who refuse to forgive. Hmmm... out of our control, right? But how do we react to this non forgiveness? Arrogantly? Humbly? Aggressively? With compassion and understanding?
You might say, "But it is not about me". But really speaking, it IS about you, too, because you were a party to the interaction.
It is interesting to see how such incidents confront you and how you need to make peace with them, at least from your side. You are not responsible for the emotions or decisions of others. You can only clean up your slate. And that's what should be done. When things and people stop affecting you is when you are on your way to real freedom.
Surekha Kothari

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