Monday, 4 February 2019

Peaceful moments

At the end of the day, there is only one main question that leads towards peace. "Am I ready to accept?" Also, am I able to step aside to avoid catastrophe and collusion, conflict and strife?
Someone very fiery once told me this was no way out; Seemed perturbed that I could advocate this "cowardly" path. How can you accept everything?
I don't think it is so much a question of accepting "everything" as of being unrealistic enough not to know what is within our control and what is not. You really have no choice but to accept what is beyond your control right?
Forget huge phenomena like birth and death, even some results of your efforts are out of your hands. But what makes a positive difference is how we feel instinctively about things. What makes us uncomfortable is to be avoided because generally, it is a premonition or a warning that it may not be the wise thing to do; Feeling it in our bones, as it were.
And in such cases, it is better to avert an incoming crisis and upheaval.
But I don't want anyone to mistake inertia for peace either. Peace may definitely be given up if it is for obtaining justice for someone. But if inertia sets in, there is no effort made and you exist like a vegetable.
These decisions of creating your own peace are also choices you make . And one of them is in favor of peace that is, accepting what you cannot change. For a huge chunk of peace, not pieces of peaceful moments.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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