Thursday, 26 March 2020

The Universal Law

A certain transparency is very necessary and beneficial in a close relationship. Sharing the important aspects of each others’ lives can increase levels of understanding and compassion and further those bonds.
Why leave people to do guesswork of what lies beneath a certain pattern of behaviour ? Admittedly, we all have and have had issues to deal with. As children, as teenagers and as adults. And this continues from generation to generation with varying degrees and with different life stories. This generalisation itself should make us more compassionate and empathetic to each other. Even more so, when there are closer ties.
It is so simple that I can’t read all the pages of your book of life unless you share them. And only then will understanding deepen.
So, open communication . It makes life easier and very pleasant as well. As I keep repeating, none of us can live like islands. It would completely be against the universal laws of connectivity. So, why not build strong bridges to other souls ?
Surekha Kothari

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