Tuesday, 16 June 2020


There are so many personal prejudices in current times, so many competitive attitudes ending with toppling another to climb onto their backs. Even conversations are only about others. And the topic is not really about people either. it is mostly about our own underlying envy , a desire to discredit someone in someone else’s eyes.
We are seeing this even on the larger canvas as in the current elections. And it is there because the average caliber of human being has been found wanting. Open hostilities indicate that there is no value for respect as a personal virtue. We are willing to give up our dignity, our grace to achieve what can only be a selfish end because, the qualities of people with a high sense of dignity and self respect are very different. They don’t need to downgrade themselves. They are confident and contented people.
I would like to think that the tide is turning towards a realization that values need to be generic and real, followed by everyone.
Surekha Kothari


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