Friday, 9 April 2021

Social media

 The human psyche has changed substantially with the onslaught of social media. And I say “onslaught” because it has swallowed a considerable amount of the time and productivity of many.

So, it IS a wonderful tool in some ways. If one can use it to be intelligently productive ironically, though, social media has hindered the “sociability” aspects. Conversations don’t flow due to cell phone breaks. Even before the covid phase, this had become evident. It used to be considered bad manners to either watch TV or be on the cell phones at a get together, Unless you were meeting to watch a match or something like that.

Today, the earlier definition of “manners” is not relevant, especially in the younger crop. “Casual” is the name of existence today. No rules. I do what I want to and when I need to, and that is the only way it goes. I don’t mean to criticize. Just pointing out that the world has changed rapidly and drastically with old concepts crumbling, giving way to new ones.

Personally, I love social Media because it is a great tool for self expression, sharing knowledge, connecting with old friends and making some new ones. And I would like to think that being of the older generation; I have the balance not to go hospitalizing myself on account of either social or phone mania.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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