Monday, 26 April 2021



Our 3D world is full of contradictions because we see separatism everywhere. But actually, it is a manifestation of the feeling of separated ness within us. The fact that we have been endowed with a free-will gives us the freedom to choose. The responsibility therefore, rests with us.

But, working within our low vibrations, we let our prejudices, jealousies and low self esteem dictate our choices.

This was one of the reasons I wrote my book... to say, this will only pull us down. Nothing positive comes out of negative thinking.

The problem of having choices is that if we are not connected with our hearts, somewhere along the way, we will make choices by influencing our intellect with our cloudy and prejudiced minds. The heart is love and minus love, there can be only fear and insecurities.

This situation won’t last long. Those who cannot take a leap from 3D into a 5D unity based world, might actually opt to leave the world.

We have arrived at a stage of rapid transition and must awaken to it.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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