Thursday 7 April 2022

Bonds and Relationships

 A passive smoker is considered as good as a smoker, with all the ill effects. Similarly, a passive abuser can be as lethal as an active one. We put up with a lot of subtle abuse in the name of bonds and relationships. There are thin lines between behavioural patterns and to discern subtle abuse may not be an easy task. In families, there are such abusers who might be wearing masks of seniority or may, out of some silent anger about some old issues , still be burning enough to be the cause of abuse.

It may be known to a few that the tendency to abuse , itself  stems from within. No Blame can be attributed to anyone externally.  It may be coming from A completely unidentifiable source like a past life. So, Let it suffice that, whatever we are going through is our own agenda and others should not be included in the experience. 

Any tendency to abuse also starts from old memories where someone may have abused us. So, this urge to retaliate might come from within now , and which was kept silent earlier.

So, there are layers and layers to an action which may be completely misguided action because we focus only on an immediate pleasure , through, say, gaming , instead of the future of people and animals. Treading carefully is the thing to do. Not to forget that there are links and chains everywhere . And disconnection is possible only if the mind wills so.

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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