Wednesday 13 April 2022


 Don’t subscribe to feelings like envy, jealousy , hatred, dislike, resentment and don’t bottle up these emotions…. hurts and harbouring of negativity has been known to lead to various diseases. Apart from causing acute suffering .

Why do we wantonly invite these when there are so many ways of healing oneself ? Even on the basis of common sense, have these bettered our world in any way ? Or have we harmed ourselves repeatedly ?

Let us atleast start with this awareness. It is a baby step towards deeper awareness which comes gradually with more thinking, more cleansing, and above all, realising how futile all this is.

Why be complicated when we can be simple ?

Why look at others and feel a lack when each one of us has the same spiritual core ?

Why deny and stand still when we can accept and move on ?

Why focus on problems instead of solutions ?

Why live in ignorance when knowledge can liberate us ?

Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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