Sunday, 6 March 2016

Form of lies

A little today on a subtle form of lies…when we say something just to please someone temporarily, at that moment, just to be approved of, when actually, we have not meant a word!

This is so rampant in society that we call it form of “diplomacy”. But diplomacy, as is commonly understood is to state the truth in a way that it does not hurt the other person. Ultimately, everything can be put down to perspective…the way we took at things. But is it so simple?

When we don’t mean it and yet say it, it does amount to misleading and deviating from truth. This also may result in giving false hopes to people and therefore, is not at a very great distance from a lie.

I have seen people do this time and time again. They probably think this is a way to become popular…just tell people what they want to hear…but they are actually harming themselves. Not only that, sooner or later, people also understand what is going on. It is a “lose lose” situation.

So, it is really important not to take that route. Better to keep silence under such circumstances.

Surekha Kothari

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