Monday, 12 June 2017


Have we ever thought that our thoughts are linked with our karma? If you notice, when we are weak and family members are negative around, success eludes at the best of times.

For example, a simple case of a child failing in exams! This soul, due to its past karma, takes negative decisions, wastes time and fail. Parents keep thinking that it is the child's fault and keep saying that the child IS going to fail because of the digression of the child's mind. This energy becomes the energy in the home and it actually makes the negative happen. So, in the family circle, this child is being sacrificed to negative energy. It is like igniting a fire.

Instead, the circle around the child should surround this child with positive energy and send only good thoughts to the child so that it can reform the thoughts and take the right decisions to channelize its energy towards work and pass the exams.

In any family or group environment, blaming, anger, admonishing a child and diminishing it shows the weakness of the parent, not the child. That it is imperative for the whole circle of people around to fill the environment with positivity to get positive results in good time.
Surekha Kothari


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