Thursday, 13 July 2017


Very often, we seem to have little or no control over our thoughts. They keep coming almost like a cyclone and shake up the very core of an individual. Very few have the awareness and capacity to stop them when required, observe them and change them if and when necessary.
Sometimes, out of nowhere, some thoughts connected with old wounds surface suddenly. And then we understand that the healing is still pending. We will not get over these thoughts unless we heal them. Through understanding, love and forgiveness. What damages healing is also the intensity of negative feelings. The more intense, the less the ability to let go and more the pain and resentment.
Often, we are also so helpless with thoughts coming in. We actually believe that thoughts just come in. But from where? And do we have the power to regulate them or not? Do we KNOW we create them AND have the power to let them go, bring them in, transform the negative ones at will and by choosing the direction we want them to take? Perhaps not.
People say they tried but no resolution was found. Again, let us ask "why". Because we insist on playing and replaying the same old "hurt" tape in our mind.
Again and again and again. We want a salutary action, a re conciliatory action from the person who has hurt us. Right? We are unwilling to let go till this is done.
We don't realize that WE can sort this out ourselves. Why do we need the crutch or a dependency to feel better? Or even to forgive and forget? Come on! Resolve the hurt yourself. Because you CHOSE to get hurt. Right? So, why expect someone else to solve YOUR issue, created by YOU?
We need to get out of the mode of "approval seeking" and emotional dependence. We want to belong somewhere, lean on someone because we don't know how to live with people AND be independent. We keep loaning or giving away our precious energy to them.
The help we expect from others can be easily done through self counseling because at the end of the day, it is OUR ego that initiates the hurt. So, with counseling the ego, it is possible to heal it and even smile at what we realize now, was utter foolishness on our part.
Simple, my dear Watson! How can anyone hurt me if I don't WANT to get hurt?
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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