Friday, 22 September 2017

Sense of excitement

Life does not give prior warnings. There are no re tests. There is no fast forward or rewind. We just have to make sense of what works for us with a bit of trial and error. But that is the fun of life as adventure into the unknown...
It can also be a source of stress if not treated as an adventure. But come on… what is there to lose ultimately? Only what WE hold on to, right? If we just dropped things that we carried, it would be great. And we would experience freedom.
I have found that things I was so stuck on for a long time were actually trivial, though, as per current perceptions. But that's fine. This is what moving on means.
I believe that so much is changing in the external environment today because somewhere, humans are beginning to raise their vibrations. They have been creatures of low energy so far, their energies constantly being depleted and sacrificed to petty thoughts....not adhering to the universal principles or the spiritual ways of living. We have paid a heavy price. No more.
There is a new phase opening up. A better and hopefully, higher way of life. If you notice, several spiritual groups are meditating for world peace all over the world. The good news is, youngsters are joining in. The kids being born today are reflecting the phenomenon of the elevating vibrations of young parents. These kids are incredible.
We are gradually and surely moving into a new world where there is a sense of excitement, a hope and a proactive projection into the future. Where nothing less than merit, ethics and honesty shall prevail.

Surekha Kothari

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