Sunday, 10 September 2017


Relationships are longer lasting if they are spontaneous. When you keep away, despite closeness, out of too much consideration or an "iffy" attitude, you end up creating a vacuum in the other and often, distances may crop up gradually but surely. I have seen cases where one of the two in a relationship actually drives it. The other sits back for whatever reason. This is just one type which struggles to survive.
I really wonder whether there are too many "equal" relationships in this world. Spontaneous and happy.
Most of my clients struggle with inequality. It is amazing how simple answers aren't forthcoming or visible at the best of times and people love to wallow in their self created, self pity, aided by complex thinking inspired by a complicated mind.
They say, heart connections are more enduring. But I have seen them transform into controlling tendencies or over sized expectations.
Then again, heart and head connections are advocated. But if one has more heart and the other has more head, it might pose a challenge.
So, what works best is to just be you because life is a challenge for each of us. Often, just trying to manage relationships becomes stressful. So, stop managing (or manipulating) and start living your own life and live it well. Because living someone else's life is something you can't do without a lot of confusion and pain. You were not meant to in the first place.
And the good news is, some people will always walk through your life.
Surekha Kothari

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