Sunday, 22 April 2018

Perceive love

Paramahansa Yogananda says: "Love cannot be had for the asking; it comes only as a gift from the heart of another".
Such wisdom! We tend to expect that love should automatically come to us from certain people, like parents, siblings, spouses etc. Not only expect it but we would like to determine the quality, extent and intensity, too. It is all about personal needs whereas love is a fountain from the heart. If that fountain is minimized or shut down at will, or through traumatic circumstances, it will not be forthcoming.
I know of a case where this person felt so unloved that she neglected an obvious ailment just so that she would get attention. And later, when she regretted the neglect, it was too late and she passed on, a sheer case of expecting love from a source that had none to give.
Yes, our hearts need to be open to love and to receive it as well. And love cannot be demanded. It has to be a gift given willingly and out of love.
I have been told, "I am very loving but I don't know why I never get it". These are perspectives. Love is given in different ways by different people and not exactly the way we want it. Some love silently and are not demonstrative. Some love less but show more though there IS love here too. Some show their caring by making life easier for their near and dear ones but never say, "I love you".
We have to have eyes in our hearts as it were, to see, to perceive love in its multiple forms and formats.
Surekha Kothari

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