When do you believe in everything you read
and what others say? And you are constantly tossing the information in the
cauldron wondering which is true and what is not, what should one live by and
what to discard.
People say going to academic institutions
makes a huge difference and those who say this would be right, too. Except for
one thing. There is a deeper native intelligence , the When do you believe in
everything you read and what others say? And you are constantly tossing the
information in the cauldron wondering which is true and what is not, what
should one live by and what to discard.
presence of which makes the extraordinary
difference to an educated person. That discerning quality is more in some and
less in others. Of course, it can be cultivated to an extent with basic common
sense and lots of observation and learning.
The ability to separate wheat from the
chaff catapults the level of the educated mind to another level. And to impart
that quality in those who teach makes them extraordinary and learning an
absorbing exercise. Otherwise, mugging is just an exercise for the memory and
not the brain. It doesn't teach you how to live life.
Surekha Kothari
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