Lord Krishna returned home after the battle of Mahabharata, his wife Rukmani
confronted him “How could you be party to the killing of Guru Drona and
Bheeshma, who were such righteous people and had a lifetime of righteousness
behind them.”
Lord Krishna avoided her questions but when she did not relent, he replied “No
doubt they had a lifetime of rightousness behind them but they both had
committed one single sin that destroyed all their lifetime of righteousness”
asked “And what was that sin?”
Krishna replied “They were both present in the court when a lady (Draupadi) was
being disrobed and being elders they had the authority to stop it but they did
not. This single crime is enough to destroy all righteousness of this world”
asked “But what about Karna? He was known for his charity. No one went
emptyhanded from his doorstep. Why did you have him killed?”
Krishna said “No doubt Karna was known for his charity. He never said ‘No’ to
anyone who asked him for anything. But when Abhimanyu fell after successfully
fighting an army of the greatest warriors and he lay dying, he asked for water
from Karna who stood nearby. There was a puddle of clean water where Karna
stood but not wanting to annoy his friend Duryodhan, Karna did not give water
to a dying man. In doing so his charity of a lifetime was destroyed. Later in
battle, it was the same puddle of water in which the wheel of his chariot got
stuck and he was killed.”
that your one act of injustice can destroy your whole life of honesty.This
story is great example of Karma Theory in Path to Prosperity. So let’s create
any Karma with Awareness what is righteous.
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