Friday, 12 May 2017


I have realized how many little things we take for granted. Is there a guarantee we will wake up the next morning? Do we know for sure that our day is going to unfold as planned? Are we sure that the domestic staff will turn up tomorrow? Is it possible that you have an urgent meeting and the vehicle stops half way? To mention just a few.
Gratitude, therefore, is most important. The person who cleans your restrooms and your home. The one who drives your car, cooks your food. A friend who sits up with you when you are sick. Anyone passing you on the road who smiles at you or saves you from a near accident. Or blesses you without even knowing you....
The bottom line is, NO ONE HAS TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU...and if they do it, regardless of their motives, we have to thank them as messengers of God. The universe works relentlessly and lovingly. We need to understand the significance and read the language minute to minute.
Surekha Kothari

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