Sunday, 21 May 2017

Packaging of knowledge!

Packaging of knowledge! Every generation responds to what it can understand and can get convinced about. Today, there is a huge movement towards spiritual understanding amongst youngsters. PROVIDED it is presented in a manner that they can relate to.
We still have the traditional, religious concepts like deity worship etc. And that is fine because it is the faith that carries us through, wherever we place it. But in a knowledge based generation, the "why" of every belief, every sentiment, and every action must be answered. Ironically, we have to explain logically the phenomena that are beyond logic.
This is precisely why the Bhagvad Gita is the most widely read and studied today. It is a way of life and even spirituality has to be understood as a way of life.
The meaning of dharma, karma , cause and effect , and all the laws that the Universe would have us live by must be experienced and not just talked about. Doubts must be addressed and cleared and this can only be done by practicing them and observing results. Only then can convictions become a reality.
Surekha Kothari

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