Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Energy exchange

I was listening to an interview on criticism and being a critic. It is amazing that we never think of it as energy exchange. But it is.
When you criticize someone, you cause pain. But in doing so, you also go through pain. In fact, if you criticize with negative energy, it causes you more harm because the energy is deliberately emitted. The receiver can deal with this kind of energy in three ways.
1. Either take it in, absorb and feel the pain.
2. See that energy coming at you and return it. Someone criticizes you. You criticize them back. But the negative vibrations stay.
3. Transform that energy. Understand that the person has negative vibrations and that you need not harm yourself by taking it in. This way, with understanding, you have transformed the negative energy.
I don't think there can be any contest in which one a clear intellect would choose. But is it that simple? It can be, though.
Surekha Kothari

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