Thursday, 18 May 2017

Sympathy and empathy!

Sympathy and empathy! We tend to use these as synonyms very often. But there is a meaningful qualitative difference. You will notice that when people want sympathy, they will tell you about the issues in their life again and again. Once you give that sympathy, they tend to hold on to you . They come to rely on you because that sympathy makes them feel good. And soon, you find out that you have become a crutch for them. So, although you started off well, was the ultimate result that great?
On the flip side is empathy. Here, too, you support people, listen to them, advice them as best as possible like you are in their shoes, what is the difference, really? The difference is that after doing all this, you will ensure that your advice will make them take responsibility and hence, make them independent of you....that the next time; they can manage themselves without looking for a crutch in you. This would be an act of benevolence on your part and also a spiritual act.
So, which is better?
Surekha Kothari

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