Sunday, 30 September 2018

Human nature

It is human nature to dwell on hurt more than happiness. Both words start with "H" but they are poles apart in their emotional content and precisely because we can't find enough energy to feel complete. "They" can only affect you if YOU let them, because YOU don't understand that YOU give them power over you.
We find it very difficult to say "no" in general. We compromise, get dragged and pulled and pushed on account of playing different roles and for the sake of other people. This inevitably goes against our grain and gradually, to resentment and a kind of anger which snowballs into inadequacy and complexes. And the next thing you know is, you start letting others upset you because are upset already. You start attracting people who upset you and comments that throw you over the edge.
But for how long and more important and at what cost? You can learn to say NO to hurt, to being hurt. For some, baiting is a game they play to feel superior by getting that extra power from those who are vulnerable. And the vulnerable get hurt instead of smiling it away, as simple as that.
Say NO to hurt and people will not affect you anymore.
Surekha Kothari

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