Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Divine energy

The Divine has been called “Bhaavateet ", meaning beyond this world, beyond the emotions, beyond the transient. If we think for a minute that the Divine symbolizes a set of qualities to be lived, then the human can also aspire to be the Divine energy; Just as "guru" has been described as a "tattva” or substance, a guiding energy which we can elevate ourselves to.
Nothing is beyond us , except what our constant tendency to doubt makes happen. But of course, it takes a lot of pain to even start on that path of slowly healing away the illusory layers from our mind. How many lives are we living in an illusion, thinking there is no one to beat us in wisdom. What wisdom is this? And how have we acquired it and how MUCH, to say with so much confidence that we speak from wisdom? It could also be our ignorance to think we are wise in the first place.
So, how much churning has to happen within us, so that the pollution is cleared and the truth shines, simple and pure. Until then, and if we ever reach that state, we can continue with our illusions.
Surekha Kothari


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