Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Belief system

Of late, I have begun to question many belief systems. And one of them is the definition of loyalty. How far do we stretch to prove we are loyal ? And why do we need to prove loyalty ? Do we need to see reciprocity in loyalty ? Or is it a bit like unconditional love where you must be loyal but not look for loyalty as a return. Is this what people call owing allegiance to ?
Sometimes, when a relationship goes through stormy weather, out of pique and hurt, we cease to be loyal. We speak against people. Should we be like that ? Can we live with that ? Or is it better to just let them go and walk away ? Or, is loyalty standing still , come what may ?
Hmmm. An interesting introspection with a review of our past years . Where and when did we exercise our choice for and against loyalty and what we now need to learn.
Surekha Kothari


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