Thursday, 18 July 2019


Come to think of it, we don't offer gratitude often enough. We are not aware enough that the burning heat of life does not touch us in extremes. Yes, there are challenges for all of us. But, many of us tend to over amplify those challenges and make a huge deal without realizing that there are worse case scenarios around us , the kind we would not be able to tolerate even , just because we have not really been burnt to experience the difference .
We have kind of escaped the areas that the mines have been laid out or have lucked out in not entering those areas. And what you don’t experience ever becomes a memory to learn from.
Somewhere along the way, each time we forgot to say "thank you" to the Universe, we lost a little bit of our energy. And each time we are filled with gratitude, we are transported to a higher plane where there is happiness and joy. They are generated from within and so, also, remain with us over a long period of time.
Surekha Kothari

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