Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Every age has its challenges. As kids as teenagers as adults in various phases of growth, mental, emotional and spiritual; the one benchmark of maturity is becoming non judgmental. And this means truly so, not just superficially so as not to displease.
Actually, to be judgmental really means that we need to look at what others are mirroring in us. Why do I need to judge anyone at all? Because there are similar memories that trigger in us; if there weren't those memories, we would not find it in our hearts to judge.
It is also a matter of feeling holier than thou feeling superior. That is a game that the ego plays. We don't need to play into its hands. We are fine being our own selves, with our own journey and our own challenges, learning, unlearning and relearning constantly and continuously along the way.
Surekha Kothari


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