Thursday, 14 November 2019


I have found that things just happen even if you don’t interfere with your personal desires and efforts. Something will happen in your life. But people are not willing to take this for an answer. “But what about what I want ? And what if things don’t happen that way ?”
We tend to push away things that might have happened had we let them happen. Just by looking the other way.
The soul is here to interact with this world for the relevant experiences. So often, we say, “my heart is not in it anymore “. But after so many years of pursuing an activity ? Why now ? Because the soul is satisfied and wants to move on but we don’t want to let go. To make our peace with the fact that something is over and something else is coming up that we need to go through. The cognisance is lacking when the soul connection is weak. So, the answer is :
Accept. Accept. Accept. Don’t expect , expect and keep on expecting. Believe me, some amazing things start to happen at that stage if acceptance because acceptance is a way of surrendering.
Surekha Kothari

Speakingtree Blog:

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