Monday, 22 June 2015


Being from the older generation, this saying was what we were brought up with. Today, the younger generation might scoff at such sentiments. I merely smile! I know that however much we “advance” materially, scientifically, mentally and socially, there will be little spiritual evolution if we don’t value or practice the ageless tenets of wisdom that have been handed down to us and which make India so special that the entire world looks up to it for spiritual learning.
Actually, spiritual learning is the inevitable side effect of simple living and high thinking. Some truths which many consider to be obsolete, are relevant in every day and age. But, often, they are misunderstood and often, personal material goals gain priority. The race for success obliterates the necessity for solid value systems. A system of compromises also has its own set of principles. For example, if we need to compromise the truth to save an innocent  life, it is permitted because saving this life is more important.
The fact is that it is not so simple to be simple. For example, can we say what we mean and mean what we say? Impossible! We prefer to project ourselves in a specially crafted image, maybe because we want to feel good wearing that image, or, maybe, we are aiming for some benefits and are trying to please those who will look at us favorably as we “seem” to be, in their eyes.
Our intrinsic simplicity is also taken away from us by the constant reactions by our ego to people and events which result in a huge amount of the ever piling excess baggage that we carry, often to our graves. Being simple would mean “letting go” and dropping all the ego related obstructions in our growth. But, we choose to carry for years some verbal war we may have had, some expectations gone wrong, some events that may have upset us and so on. If only we valued the present instead of holding on to the past! If only we realized that by bringing the past into the present regularly, the future will only have unwanted, repeated patterns of the past and each of us who cannot let go will be solely responsible for this.
If we are able to practice being simple, we will attract those people who value us for who we are. These are the genuine relationships which are transparent. But we are in a race for “contacts”. So, how can we be ourselves AND please everyone?
The philosophy of high thinking is one based on personal and social ethics. “Ethics” is a widely interpreted word today. In the more individualistic society, the definition of the word has changed. High thinking actually implies a clear and pure thought process which finally culminates in action for the larger good, which includes us as well. It implies that a “win- win “result must be arrived at by our actions in terms of something for everyone.
High thinking incorporates the value of love, tolerance, acceptance of everything as having the similar and the dissimilar qualities unified in Creation. It means a constant realization from within that this world is not our permanent home and that oneness and integration should be the motivation for existence while on this earth. As a consequence then, our merit would lie in the subjugation of our destructive ego and attempts to do everything that will harmonize our space and allow everything to co- exist peacefully.
Is simple living and high thinking simple? I can only answer for myself and leave your answers to you.
Surekha Kothari

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